What 'TheFallenStar' is about

My photo
This clan specializes in bossing and becoming the best clan in Celtic heroes. We make sure that everyone in the clan gets help, if thats with leveling, completing quests or getting the armor/weapon you need. If you need help with anything please say on the blog or if you are playing the game speak to the chief, generals or guardians.

How to promote to clansmate

When you join you will start as recruit. To get to clansmate mate you need to prove to us a couple of things.
You need:

1. To be in the clan for 4 days.

2. Show that you respect all the clan rules.

3. kill Bosses with the clan and contribute your knowledge.


  1. Hey, stinkypants here. I've been in the clan for awhile now, level 72, can I be promoted to clansman? Thanks

  2. Red, I be promoted to clansman? I was a clansman, but somehow I've been demoted? I have no idea why. I'm almost level 95 now and play everyday. I give all my boss drops to the clan and then some. I've been one of the most loyal players in the clan so its bothering me that I'm a recruit once more.
    (FYI) during the day in the USA I'm at work, but I leave my phone up on my desk and let low levels in Lirs beat on me to raise evaision skills. I'm only tapping it once in a while to prevent going AFK, so dont think I'm ignoring any requests and such.
