A new clan will be made for many reason, such as to improve the rep of our clan and because are clan name as been copied in a simular way (TheRisingStar).
This has disapointed me, however opened a new door for me to notice that to have a susseccful clan it does not just need to be 1st on the leader board but have a good build up of clan members which are loyal and a good lvl.
Therefor i have applied the same rules plus a couple more for this new clan, these rules plus extra information will be introduced a day before the opening day of the clan.
The information i will be giving the clan now is:
The clan is planed to be made and opened on the 1st january 2013
1. only lvl 60+ can join the clan (even if it is your alt it has to be lvl 60)
2. Try lvling as much as you can, if you are lvl 95+ it will be a great advantage for you in the clan
(i will explain why a day before the clan opens on the blog)
3. You will join the clan as the same rank as you are in this clan e.g. if you are a clansmate you will join as a clansmate.
4. make sure you save atleast 10k for the day of the opening (i will be explained why on the day of the opening)
The rest of the information will be introduced a day before the grand opening of the clan.
make sure your lvling :D
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