What 'TheFallenStar' is about

My photo
This clan specializes in bossing and becoming the best clan in Celtic heroes. We make sure that everyone in the clan gets help, if thats with leveling, completing quests or getting the armor/weapon you need. If you need help with anything please say on the blog or if you are playing the game speak to the chief, generals or guardians.

getting stuff from clan bank

To get stuff from clan bank you need to have two requirements.

1. Be a clansmate

2. Be lvl 70+


  1. So, Ive been to three gearing days so far ( but was only lvl70 at the last one the 14th) and I'm not sure how this works. Do you (Red) look at our inventories and hand over what you think we need or do we put in special requests? I play a spear/shield ranger, so I might be the oddball in the clan, and gear that I want is a little different than what most rangers may ask for. For me spear,shield,ranger armour, and AC jewelry. Anyway thanks for running the best clan on Taranis -Stinky

  2. hi stinky, basically if you want stuff from clan bank you need the requirement, as you know. Then when it is gearing night you tell me what you need and i check bank to see if we has. :D

  3. Red can I have a dragon disc I need one more for my chest plate
